Workshop, Mid-Atlantic Congress 2015, Baltimore, MD

“Fr. Kirby’s workshop on St. Peter’s Basilica as a model for prayer at the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Congress was superb! Fr. Kirby is one of the leading experts in the English speaking world on St. Peter’s and it shows. His explanation of the theological richness that can be found in stone, glass, and bronze of the basilica was intriguing, and his passion, knowledge and enthusiasm of this great church literally drew me to the edge of my seat!”

– Priscilla Estrada, Director of Christian Formation, St. Mary Help of Christians, Aiken, SC


Ministry Conference 2015, Diocese of Corpus Christi

“Fr. Jeff Kirby is truly enlightening and thought provoking. His workshop on discipleship is absolutely the step in the right direction in the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.”

– Fr. Joseph Lopez, JCL, Vocations Director, Diocese of Corpus Christi


National Catholic Education Association 2014, Pittsburgh, PA

“At NCEA Pittsburg in 2014, Father Kirby presented to a national and international group of school and parish leaders interested in a “club” model for promoting vocations in the middle grades. Participants left the workshop with many ideas, resources, and contact information. But most importantly, they left with Father Kirby’s enthusiasm and passion about vocations!”

Peggy Wertz, Principal, St. Mary Help of Christians School, Aiken, SC



© 2025 Fr. Jeffrey Kirby